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CHaracterize Newell and Simon's approach to problem solving?

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CHaracterize Newell and Simon's approach to problem solving? Empty CHaracterize Newell and Simon's approach to problem solving?

Pisanie by Admin Wto Maj 28, 2013 8:24 pm

CHaracterize Newell and Simon's approach to problem solving?


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CHaracterize Newell and Simon's approach to problem solving? Empty Re: CHaracterize Newell and Simon's approach to problem solving?

Pisanie by Kasia Bilska Czw Maj 30, 2013 7:51 pm

Newell and Simon described problem solving as a search that occurs between the posing of the question and its solution. Their approach was to see problems in terms of an initial state (conditions at the beginning of the problem) and a goal state (the solution of the problem).
A good and clear way to see it and understand it, is to look back at the Tower of Honoi Problem we dealt with in the class.
-A problem starts with an initial state (all three discs on the left)
-Continues through a number of intermediate states (after moving the small disc to the right peg there are two other discus on left peg and the small one is on the right) *RULE=knowing that a larger disc can't be placed on a smaller one.
-Finally reaches the goal state (all three discs on the right peg).

Kasia Bilska

Liczba postów : 44
Join date : 09/03/2013

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