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What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory?

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What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory? Empty What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory?

Pisanie by Admin Nie Cze 02, 2013 8:19 pm

What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory?


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Join date : 28/02/2013

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What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory? Empty Re: What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory?

Pisanie by Kasia Bilska Nie Cze 02, 2013 10:30 pm

Long Term memory:
=Explicit (conscious)- Episodic (personal events) and Semantic (facts, knowledge).
=Implicit (not conscious)- Priming, Procedural memory and Conditioning.

Explicit Memory (conscious/declarative) consist of episodic memory (memory for personal experiences) and semantic memory (stored knowledge and memory for facts). Episodic memory would be when a person who have went to Spain for a holiday remembers that he/she was suppose to meet a friend in one of the restaurants near by. Semantic memory on the other hand would happen when the person mentioned above would simply know/remember some general facts about Spain that he/she has learned before. For example knowing that Madrid is the largest city in Spain and that it is the capital city.

Implicit Memories (unconscious/non-declarative) are memories that are used without awerness, so the contents of implicit memories cannot be reported. Priming is a change in response to a stimulus caused by the previous presentation of the same stimulus. Can be either positive , which increases in speed/accuracy of the response to the test stimulus or it could also be negative, which causes a decrease in the speed/accuracy of response to the test stimulus. An example of priming would be when a person for example finds it easier to recognize words ''that are familiar''. It could also happen that he/she associates some meaning to the word presented (conceptual priming-presentation of the word furniture might cause a person to respond faster to a later presentation of the word chair). Procedural memory on the other hand is the implicit memory also called skill memory, which is a memory for doing things. For example right now I am typing on my computer and the ability I possess is the procedural memory I am using. The last type of implicit memory is the classical conditioning. It occurs when pairing and initally neutral stimulus with another stimulus results in the neutral stimulus taking on new properties. The classic example most of us are probably aware of is the dog and salivation example:

Conditioned Stimulus (bell)-> Unconditioned Stimulus (food)-> Unconditioned Response (salivation).

And then:
Conditioned Stimulus (bell)-> Conditioned Response (salivation).

Kasia Bilska

Liczba postów : 44
Join date : 09/03/2013

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What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory? Empty Re: What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory?

Pisanie by karolinamroz Nie Cze 09, 2013 6:34 pm

explicit memory, aka conscious memory - consists of semantic and eposodic memories.
Semantic memory is memory for knowledge and facts, not personal memories.
Episodic memory is the memory for personal experience.

implicit memory - aka unconscious memory - memories we are not aware of using, (ex skill memory), therefor it cannot be reported. Classical conditioning is a form of implicit memory


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What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory? Empty Re: What is the difference between implicit and explicit memory? What are the kinds of explicit memory? What are the kinds of implicit memory?

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